Sunday, May 29, 2011

7. Internet Forums

          An Internet forum is an area on a website that people can go to in order to hold conversations and discussions through posted messages.  They usually revolve around a certain theme or specific topic, allowing people to form an online community that brings them together.  Forums are also known as message boards, bulletin boards, discussion groups, or web forums.  They are not the same as blogs, which usually are usually maintained by one person with a limited amount of response, whereas any members in a forum can usually create new posts and start new topics.  They also differ from chat rooms, where all users communicate at the same time, as forums allow users to read and respond to topics at any point in time, saving posts for as long as the site lives.  Forums are made up of different sections in which people create threads which are the separate conversations that consists of different posts.  Members can edit or delete their own posts.
          There is a ranking system in most forums.  An administrator is the highest rank, who may participate as well as modify, move, or delete threads and posts as well as warn or ban other members.  Moderators are the next ranking officials who assist in making sure the rules are being followed.  To become a member of a forum, a person is usually required to register, create a user name and password, and agree to the list of rules.  Often they will be approved by an administrator or a moderator.  Once a member, most forums give you the option to chose an avatar, a picture that will appear with your user name on posts, the standard size being 100 x 100 pixels.  Along with an avatar each member typically has a profile that they can fill out as vaguely or extensively as they desire, listing information such as their age and location.  This has become one of the most popular ways for people to interact with others who have similar interests.

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