Friday, May 27, 2011

6. Wireless Networking Precautions

          Wireless Internet is a convenient way to go on the Internet anywhere without having to plug your computer in with a cable.  However, as with any advantage there are also disadvantages.  Wireless users need to take extra precautions to keep their information safe.  Wireless Networks use radio signals in order to communicate.  Often the signal can be picked up by others, making it possible for outside sources to attempt to hack into your system and pry out information.  Many wireless networks are insecure.   There are quite a few programs and methods that can be applied in order to achieve the maximum level of safety in your network.
          Any Wi-Fi should be protected with an up-to-date version of an antivirus program.  These will automatically scan the computer for any possible threats or viruses.  You can help prevent intruders from hacking into your system and installing viruses or worms by enabling encryption, such as WPA or WEP, on your computer.  Your router should have a firewall installed, which will make it much more difficult for someone to hack into your computer.  Disabling the SSID or ESSID link, a network that the Wi-Fi uses to broadcast over the air, will prevent others from accessing your network.  When using a public Wi-Fi, you should abstain from having any personal information on your computer as there will be a higher chance of an intruder trying to get in.

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