Friday, May 27, 2011

5. Strong Password

          It is very important to have a strong password to any site.  Not having a secure passwords can lead to a large amount of trouble.  It makes it easier for others to hack into accounts, including the most important ones such as online banking, personal and profession email, or phone services.  Passwords should also be changed fairly often, as much as once a month.  It is wiser to use a different password for every account, and to avoid writing the password down and leaving it around for prying eyes to find.
          A good password isn't obvious and easy to guess.  It should be long and include letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers whenever possible.  They should have at least 8 characters, 14 being a good length.  The greater variety of characters in the password, the stronger it will be.  There should be a variety of both uppercase and lower case letters.  One should avoid making passwords that contain words from the dictionary, words spelled backwards, common misspellings or abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters, or personal information.  Having passwords that involve personal things such as name, birthday, or pets names are the most obvious choices and very easy to guess.  There are many passwords generators available on the Internet today to assist people in coming up with strong and random passwords, as well as password checkers that reveal the strength of your password to you.

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