Friday, May 27, 2011

4. Internet Filters and Parental Control

         An internet filter is a software or hardware device that makes it possible to sheild access to inappropriate material on the internet.  It has the capability to allow or deny access to certain websites based upon the content of the page.  It can scan the URL and compare site requests  in order to determine which is a bad URL.  It can use keywords in as a way to keep away certain types of content.  A good filter can keep away webpages that are unsuitble for children, blocking sites that involve adult content or violence.  They arent completely perfect, as some sites may still be able to come through if  it doesnt trigger the filtering mechanism.  In some circumstances, parents are able to control the list of sites that their children can have access to.
          Parental Control is one way to prevent their children from coming accross content unsuitible to their age category.  They can use a range of software in order to moniter what their children are doing on the computer.  Keystroke Monitors are one class of parental control programs that track and record everything that happens on the internet and inside isntant messenging programs.  Other programs take random screenshots that can be reviewed at a later time.  Porn Detection and Removal software use specific methods to identify foul images and material.

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